- Attitude - A grateful heart is the beginning of greatness. You are happier when you have a grateful attitude. A grateful attitude will bless us and others.
- Be Kind to Others - Treat others with the same respect as you would want others to treat you.
- Give a compliment - Show a smile, give a compliment to someone for something you like about them, or something good they have done.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
What is Gratitude?
Monday, July 6, 2009
Cayenne's Puppies

My whole family pretty much has Dachshunds. Although I grew up around many other breeds of dogs, the Dachshund is the breed I that has become my favorite. They are fun dogs, they are easy to train and do best when you keep them on a schedule. They will always keep you entertained and much of the time they think they are human.
Cayenne is my Dad and Step Mom's dog. On May 14, 2009 these Miniature Dachshund AKC puppies were born. One Black and Tan male, and two Red females. They are very cute and playful. The father has champion blood lines and is Black & Tan, Cayenne is a very pretty Red. I took pictures yesterday and thought I would post them. Click here to see more pictures of Cayenne and her puppies.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Lessons of Life
We will be fulfilled in the best way possible and as quickly possible. But some things take time. Sometimes, we have lessons to learn first, lessons that prepare us so we can accept the good we deserve. Things are being worked out in us, and in others. Blocks in us are being removed. A solid foundation is being laid.
Be patient, Relax and trust. Let go. Then, let go some more. Good things are planned for us. We will receive them at the first available moment. We will have all our heart longs for. Relax and trust.
I will identify what I want and need; then, I'll be willing to let go of it. I will devote my energy to living my life today, so I may master my lessons as quickly as possible. I will trust that what I want and need is coming to me. I will let go of my need to control the details.
~ by Melody Beattie "The Language of Letting Go"
"Every act of self control leads to a measure of self respect!"
~ Abraham Low
Friday, May 29, 2009
Blogging: Not Just a Hobby Anymore
Blogging has been very successful for many people, but don't count on it to be a stable income. What you want to do is build multiple streams of income. Most successful bloggers have been doing it for several years. I have been now blogging for one year, and I am happy when I do get the occasional paid blogging job.
Here's a great post:
13 Tips to Recession Proof Your Blog
Some of my friends have great blogs:
Submit to Social Websites
Monday, May 25, 2009
Memorial Day: A Day of Remebrance
- A US Marine marching at Arlington Cemetery
I would like to take a moment to honor everyone who fought for our freedom. Not only do I want to remember our fallen heros, but also everyone who lived to fight for our freedom when our country first began, and those that signed the Declaration of Independence and put into law the Bill of Rights and our United States Constitution. I am greatful to live in our country and enjoy the many freedoms that we have.
Memorial Day Roll Call Honors 148,000 Veterans
This Memorial Day, Honor the FallenMonday, May 18, 2009
Pancreatitis in Dogs
I am sorry to be so graphic but, I wanted to illustrate how serious Pancreatitis can be. If not checked, it can develop into a chronic condition and cause other health problems. Pancreatitis is common in pets around Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter (because of table scraps). Not all dogs will get it, but seems to be more common in small breed purebred dogs.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Daisy in the Desert

This weekend we went camping in the desert with our dog. Daisy loves to run and play in the desert. She loves to go for rides in the truck and on the four wheeler, she will chase almost anything that moves. When our trip has ended she will sleep for a week.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Motivate Yourself to Do Something Great!
One reason I started teaching these seminars is I love to help people and I want everyone I share with to gain some value. Also my appointment book was getting rather full and I wasn't spending as much of my time being productive. I love helping others, my goal is for everyone that I coach that they in turn will help someone else. It's this type of thinking that will get us through our tough economy. I have started a daily routine to keep myself motivated and positive.
- Start out your day by listening to music that makes you feel good about yourself.
- Pass on a positive thought to someone else.
- Surround yourself with positive people.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Direct Selling Home Decor Business Review
Startup Cost - $0 if you sell $150 (supplies are free with this method) or $59 for products and a supply kit ($150 value). A
Consultant Benefits - The very best income opportunity over any other company I reviewed plus you are rewarded for everyone you recruit and get cash bonuses for extra sales. A
Quality of Products - Excellent quality, most products are hand crafted in the USA and reasonably priced. A+
Ease of Selling - I signed up with $0 and got $268 in orders my first month. A
Customer Service - Most items are received within 1-2 weeks after you place your order. Customer service is excellent. A
Tech Support and Training - I had the opportunity to attend two training seminars before I started, with excellent one on one support. I was able to meet personally with the Vice President of the company. A
Southern Living At Home B+
Startup Cost - $199 for a $400+ value of products and supply kit A-
Consultant Benefits - Consultants get discounts one item one time per year and 25% commission, plus you are rewarded for every recruit. B+
Quality of Products - Excellent quality, not a big variety of home decor items, lots of dishes. A-
Ease of Selling - Not too hard to sell, but some items are pricey. B+
Customer Service - Can't contact customer service via phone, email took 4-5 days to respond. Items shipped slow, took more than 2 weeks. B
Tech Support and Training - Training was over the phone and audio CD's. B+
Celebrating Home / Home & Garden Party B-
Startup Cost - $99 for $200 in product or $149 for $300 in product. B+
Consultant Benefits - Consultants get 30% commission, plus you are rewarded for every recruit. A-
Quality of Products - Some items are not very high quality. Products range from reasonably priced to pricey. B-
Ease of Selling - Good variety of products, some quality issues. B
Customer Service - Can't contact customer service via phone, email took over a week to respond. Most items received within 2 weeks. C+
Tech Support and Training - No one offered any one on one support, I did find some videos on You Tube. C
For your convenience links to company websites have been posted in this blog.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Positive Thinking is the Key to Surviving Tough Times
I am determined to make the best of my own resources, while educating myself to find creative ways to make money and utilize every resource that is available to help everyone where ever I can. Recently I have posted a job board on my website www.LayZDaisy.com/jobs.htm I hope by having this job board on my site it will help those find a job that needs one. I think when ever we can help someone else, it is this kind of thinking that will turn around our economy. Here are some other tips that will help.
- Stop the worry and have POSITIVE THINKING. If you worry it will take you ten times longer to accomplish something than if you have POSITIVE THINKING. Worrying is a waste of time. POSITIVE THINKING will get you a lot farther in life and you will reach your goals in less time. POSITIVE THINKING will help you accomplish anything that you desire by attracting these good thoughts everyday and sharing your good thoughts with others. We need to lift each other up and filter out the negetive.
- Be Creative and find other ways you can make an income with NO investment. Some of these ways can be selling a product or service you can provide through free internet classified advertising. www.craigslist.org
- Prioritize the things that are most important. By prioritizing I mean prioritizing everything in your life starting with your finances, cleaning your house etc. Prioritizing will also relieve a lot of stress and you will be able to look at everything with a clear picture.
- Cut expenses and be frugal, you can live with less. When times are tough financially being frugal is way to cut the expenses you don't need without being cheap. If you remember to recycle and reuse this will in becoming frugal. Then when ever you can prepare for the future.
- Share the lessons you have learned with others. Be willing to help someone and share your POSITIVE THINKING. Then if everyone helps someone else it will spread like wild fire.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Questions You Should Ask an MLM Company Before You Join.
How many people out there signed up for an MLM company with big expectations of making money then find out later that it’s a very hard way to succeed. There have been many times I have been sucked in the pretty picture they paint. I hate when some of the people working with these companies lie to you just to get as many people as they can underneath their organization, then offer you no help once you join. The majority of MLM companies make it sound easy and say “anyone can be successful”. I don’t want to knock all MLM companies out there. There are some good ones that are legitimate. There are details you should look at with every company before you spend the money to invest. One of the most important things you should do is research. You will need to find out how stable each company is are and compare them to their competition.
- What is the start-up cost and what does it include? Beware of huge upfront fees, the risk is usually much greater and make sure you are getting a good value for the money.
- What kind of training do I get once I start? Make sure if you sign up that you sign up with someone that has proven to be successful and is willing to spend the time with you to properly train you.
- What type of service or product will I be selling? Is this something you can truly believe in and feel good about selling?
- Will I be expected to put in a minimum order every month or every quarter? Make sure you can sell more than the minimum amount required each month or quarter.
- Will I be expected to recruit a minimum amount of people? Many MLM’s require you to recruit a specified number of people in order to make money in your downline.
- How much commission will I make?
- If I want to purchase something do I get a special discount off the retail price?
- Is shipping & handling additional or does it come out of my commission?
- How long do items typically take to ship to my customer?
- What kind of Guarantee or Warranty does the company have on their products?
- Will I need to purchase supplies such as Catalogs, order forms, etc.?
- What other company benefits or incentives does this company have and how easy is it to achieve those goals?
Friday, January 23, 2009
Something US Auto Makers Have Forgotten
It seems that today many companies and their officers are driven by greed. The Government bailouts are not being used in the proper manner to save these companies from failing. This is disturbing to me that General Motors plans to close 500 dealerships and layoff thousands of jobs. Even more disturbing is that GM officials say that without the second installment of $5.4 billion dollars they will run out of money by March 31, 2009. It makes you wonder what are they doing with all that money that would make them run out? With $5.4 billion dollars you could save a whole lot of jobs. I think this is poor management to get this far into debt and not be able to pay your bills and save jobs.
When the whole auto industry is in trouble, instead of looking at the bottom of the food chain to cut costs, they should start from the top. This rather large house cleaning project should begin at the home corporate offices and look at over spending that is unnecessary, then go down to the branches of the company. Top executives refuse to take a pay cut when there are families that have worked in the Auto Industry for years living from paycheck to paycheck. Chrysler and GM need to take notes from a few competitors take some responsibility for their actions and realize it is their employees that are the core of the company and it’s what makes a company better.
As I was browsing around the internet I found a quote that I think the US auto makers have forgotten about. “There is one rule for the industrialist and that is: Make the best quality of goods possible at the lowest cost possible, paying the highest wages possible.” ~ Henry Ford
BMW makes a strong statement that they take responsibility for their actions and they exist to make the world a better place. They wouldn’t be where they are today if it weren’t for the employees that make up the most important part of their company.
The information in the blog is the opinion of the writer, articles were provided from the following sources;
Monday, January 12, 2009
CES: The Most Exciting Place to See Cars
The CES show (Consumer Electronics Show) is the largest convention held in Las Vegas every year. I have frequented to many Auto Shows, but none of them compare to the mobile electronics section at CES. You can see everything from the absolute wild to just your everyday car. There are many exciting things to see, but my favorite part is always the cars. I have posted some of the most popular exhibits.
Aston Martin
Kit - Knight Rider 2000 from the 80's Show
Nissan GT-R
Black Death - The Extreme