Twitter has been the latest trend in social media network marketing. For those of you that don't know how
twitter really works you are truly missing out on something huge. What ever your use for twitter it can help you meet other people that have the same interests as you.
Twitter can help you gain an income that you may have never thought imaginable. It can and will bring more traffic to your website when used to it's fullest potential.
Twitter is currently the fastest growing internet network marketing source on the web. You will find all types of people from all walks of life around the world that tweet on twitter.
If you don't know what a tweet is, it is a short little sentence about what your doing in 140 characters or less. Here are some different types of tweeters you may encounter on twitter.
- One Timers - Those that sign up but never use it again.
- Occasional Users - Are those that use it once a month or less and for special occasions.
- Weekly Users - Are those that will tweet up to a few times a week but never daily
- Daily Users - Are those that use it at least once a day, sometimes will take weekends off.
- Extreme Users - Are those that use twitter every day and use all avenues and devices to tweet such as cell phone, Facebook, MySpace, Squidoo etc.
To be successful with twitter you should maximize the usage. This is one of the easiest things you can do that doesn't consume a lot of time.
- Send a text message and tweet from your cell phone.
- Link your twitter account to other network marketing sites. You can tweet remotely from these sites.
- Follow everyone that follows you. By doing this you will create a snowball effect and get more traffic to your website.
There are many other ways to maximize twitter. How and when you use it can determine how successful you are. I initially started as a Weekly user, then graduated to a Daily user. When I was a weekly user I found that very few people were watching me and the amount of users were under 20. Since then I have graduated to a Daily user, my traffic on my website has more than doubled as well as the amount of people that watch me. I wen from 15 watchers up to 60 watchers in less than a one month period. I found that this was producing much more exceptionable results. So do you tweet? Which type of user are you? Find out what
twitter grade is. I am trying the Extreme User method.
Follow me on twitter and I will let you know how it works out in about a month.
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