Monday, July 28, 2008

Bank Watch

This is a follow-up article on the original article I wrote on July 16, 2008 "Is your money safe?" This is an update of whats happening with banks. Many of these banks were not previously on the list.

Banks are supposed to be
(FDIC) insured by the federal government. 90 bank watch list as published by The Bank Implode Meter, these are banks that have all been audited and written up for something. After doing a little research I found most of the banks on the watch list, many of the banks on this list are still in good standing. The ones that you will need to keep an eye on are the banks on a "Level 3". These are the banks that are in serious trouble.

Level 3 watch Bank List.

  1. Washington Mutual 7-27-08 (waiting on implosion)
  2. National City 7-24-08
  3. Fifth Third Bankcorp 7-22-08
  4. Watchovia 7-22-08 (waiting on implosion)
  5. Bank of America 7-21-08
  6. Merryl Lynch 7-11-08
  7. Lehman Brothers 7-11-08
  8. Bank of America 7-08-08
  9. Citigroup 6-28-08
  10. US Bancorp (near level 3)
  11. National City (near level 3)
  12. JP Morgan Chase (near level 3)
  13. Wells Fargo (near level 3, may still come out alive but not in the clear)
FDIC Failed Bank List.
  1. First National Bank of Nevada 7-26-08
  2. First Heritage Bank N.A. 7-26-08
  3. Indy Mac Bank Corp 7-11-08
  4. First Integrity Bank 5-31-08
  5. ANB Financial 5-09-08
  6. Carnation Bank 5-09-08
  7. St. Luke Baptist Federal Credit Union 5-07-08
  8. Hume Bank of Hume, MO 3-10-08
  9. Douglas National Bank 1-28-08
  10. Huron River Credit Union 1-19-08
  11. Green Tree Federal Credit Union 1-19-08
  12. Metropolitan Savings Bank 1-19-08
  13. Miami Valley Bank 1-19-08
  14. Net Bank 1-19-08
  15. Sharebuilders Federal Credit Union 1-19-08
  16. Freemont General
  17. Bear Stearns
  18. Northern Rock PLC
  19. Coast Bank

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