Sticking to a monthly budget is very important in keeping yourself out of debt. I have developed some spreadsheets that are designed to keep you on task. I look at them every Monday morning. These spreadsheets were designed to help you keep track of every penny going in and coming out. They can be easily customized to fit your specific financial situation. In addition if will help you keep track of interest rates and rebates you may receive.
Balance your monthly statements. Are you afraid to open the envelope? Do you hate doing it and put it off until its time to file your taxes? I have found by using my spreadsheet I don't hate accounting so much. I actually enjoy knowing where all of my money is going. This is a simple and easy organization method of budgeting your money. You use this in conjunction with your accounting software such as Quicken, Quickbooks, Microsoft Money. If you would like a copy of my FREE financial budget sheet, please send and email. This will be in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet format. If you need another format please specify.
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