Previously I have blogged briefly by mentioning companies where you get get freelance work such as Elance. I am going to go more into detail on the top recommended companies and different types of programs they offer. All are FREE to sign up. You can either get work from these companies or look to hire work from these companies.
Elance is the top ranking company for many reasons. They are the number one company used by large corporations for farming out work. They have outstanding customer service and training. How they work is they will also pre-screen applicants for companies looking to hire for work. On Elance you can see job listings as well as free lance work. The positions tell you how much they pay, and how long the job will last. As an applicant you can pay a small fee and get certified in programs specific to your experience. What does the certification mean. This means allot to companies looking to hire you. Sure you can make money with out becoming certified, but you will usually find a higher paying job if you are certified. For freelancers Elance has all of the contracts necessary to start a job with a company. These are great because it protects the customer as well as the person doing the work and it is a guarantee that you will get paid. Here are some of the types of jobs available; Web & Programming, Writing & Translation, Administrative & IT Support, Sales & Marketing, Telemarketing, Legal, Engineering & Manufacturing, Graphic Design, Application Development.
Guru is another good company, I know of people that have used them. They are a very good company used by a large number of national corporations, and Guru has earned many awards for their work. They are similar to Elance in how they work, you put in a bid on the positions you are interested in. Guru does have an edge on Elance in that they have more positions in different fields to choose from. Here are some of the types of jobs available; Website Design, Website Marketing, Programming, Software Development, Networking & Hardware, Writing & Translation, Administrative Support, Sales & Marketing, Telemarketing, Legal, Engineering CAD, Architecture, Graphic Design Presentation, Multimedia, Illustration, Cartooning, Sculpting, Painting, Photography & Video, Fashion Design, Interior Design, Landscape Design, Business Consulting, Broadcasting, Finance & Accounting.
Worth 1000 is another way you can get work. It's a different type of site and is more for designers. Here you will submit a sample of your work according to the post that is requested. This operates in more of a contest format. Companies or corporations, will post a specific job for work. You will submit a sample, and if yours is chosen out of all of the entries they receive, you will be awarded the job. This site you are graded on your work and you will earn a rank according to your experience. Some items will post that you will earn points instead of money. Read each post carefully, some posts you will get both money and points if you win. Worth 1000 is limited in they type of work they offer, it's more for fun than anything else and has allot of great stuff to offer. Here are some of the types of work available; Logo Design, Creative Writing, Graphic Design, Presentation, Multimedia, Illustration, Cartooning, Photography.